What???? It’s true, we are spending thousands of dollars each year to print and mail The Gnatcatcher. It has become a significant financial burden for JVAS, just as the dead albatross became a burden to the sailor in Coleridge’s poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
If you currently receive the print edition as a chapter-only or a National Audubon member, we need your help so we can keep The Gnatcatcher.
Email me, Laura Jackson, at [email protected] and just state that you will accept the digital version of The Gnatcatcher. When each issue comes out, we’ll simply email you the download link.
Your email will be a wonderful conservation donation that won’t cost you a dime and it will let us keep The Gnatcatcher!
There are a number of advantages with the digital version:
- The photos will be in color.
- You will get The Gnatcatcher sooner.
- You will feel good that you are helping to preserve the financial stability of JVAS.
We pledge to keep your email address confidential. We will not share it with other organizations or companies.
I would gladly receive the email version only.