We’ve just released the May-June 2015 Gnatcatcher (Vol XLVII, No. 3). Download the PDF or read it at Issuu. You’ll find stories about a six-year project to preserve open space and to recognize a historic agricultural area at Dutch Corner, a field trip through periglacial and proglacial landscapes of central PA, the bluebird trail at Fort Roberdeau County Park, a new book called Welcome to Subirdia, upcoming activities and programs, and more. How well do you know your spring wildflowers? Test your knowledge with a photographic quiz! There’s information about our new Golden-winged Warbler t-shirt, our exhibition at the Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators Conference, and a proposed change in our bylaws. Find out who our National Audubon Society “veterans” are. View art and photos by JVAS’ talented members.
It’s worth pointing out that all the articles in this issue were contributed by JVAS members—this is information you won’t get anywhere else. Interested in adding your voice? Contact Laura Jackson, [email protected] or 814-652-9268. We’re always looking for new content about nature in central Pennsylvania.
Thanks once again to Alan and Terri Swann for putting the issue together. Read back issues of the Gnatcatcher at our website.