Get involved in the Bird-Friendly Habitat Recognition Program

PA Audubon graphicJVAS members have been hard at work helping to improve and revitalize this statewide Audubon program. We know that some chapter members are already part of this initiative, and we hope many more will join. In the past, there was very little communication between the program members and their respective chapters, but that has changed. Although the Habitat Recognition sign is similar, there is a new application for those who haven’t participated in the past.

You can apply online at

You can also request a paper application from Laura Jackson and send your payment via check. Just email jacksonlaura73 at

There will also be periodic updates from Audubon and from JVAS about this recognition program.

We’d also like to encourage schools, businesses, and organizations to join. Please share a copy of the application with any schools or other organizations that might have a pollinator garden or natural habitat on their property.

The $25 fee is mainly to cover the cost of the yard sign and to support bird-friendly habitat projects.

Here’s what the 9.5 in. by 14 in. sign looks like:
Bird-Friendly Habitat sign